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One Punch Gainz

I've finally found something that's working. I've been doing incredibly slow paced callisthenics. My metabolism has caused me to lose a lot of weight when I work out hardcore. But if I restrict the reps to 15 per set and take a break I never start burning excessive energy and focus on tearing my muscles. Doing such slow push ups hurts like a bitch I tell you. But I'm doing upwards of 60 everyday and I'm consistently gaining weight every week since I started (3 weeks). Still using my dumbells for biceps but I'm using the same slow 15 rep method with them. My main goal now is to be able to 5 full sets for each exercise in a single sitting. But for now its just nice to be over 70kgs again. ALSO I'm on the WHEY.
May 24, 20 at 8:01am
I'm glad you've been doing well @acacia12 thought I suppose you still need to increase your amount of calories consumed aka you have to start bulking, unless your goal is only to shred. Have you tried counting how much calories you consume? I've gotten back to the gym myself to prepare for my first powerlifting competition next month. I've only been doing stretches and flexibility exercises, but my actual routine will start tommorow.
I really cant wait to start my work out/diet plan when i get home. Everything is kinda on hold for the fear my metabolism speeds up and i start losing weight again. My plan is to eat 6 meals a day, mix of fruits, meats, generally healthier options for food. 3000+ calories For about 2-4 weeks to gain some weight. Every other day i will be performing 100 situps (consecutive) with 40 push ups, running all that good stuff. Once i reach a decent weight size i will cut down my meal intake and focus solely on body building. Drop down to about 2 meals per day one mid afternoon and one before bed. it sounds a little weird but i noticed a while ago, it helped me drop body fat and replace it for leaner muscle. Currently my diet regimen is shit but my muscles are very defined none of that bulky fatty looking muscle i see some guys have. Despite me not working out intensely my muscles still show. I just want a bigger look.
May 24, 20 at 8:05am
Thank goodness you stress the importance of gradually building. Not to mention stretching. Less injury and bigger gains
Here is a current photo of flexed bicep no gym in like uhhh 3-4 months. If i worked out they pop out a bit more. I really want my peak performance body i had 2 years ago. I dont wanna be massive or anything just be a comfortable size.
This is a very close up photo XD But I can see the definition and size look pretty good even without gym. Can't wait for this pandemic to end.
I would use bathroom mirror but they suck ;-; and taking pic of arm is hard XD i will post after pics when everything is said and done
May 26, 20 at 2:34pm
What are benefits of reverse plank @candystarmagic
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