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Starting a Relationship

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I rushed into my longest one as well, which lasted about two years. Even a relationship founded on a shaky foundation could be made to last, although as I found towards the end of mine, sometimes keeping something alive longer than it should have can lead to their own problems. Its different for every couple though. Some have no secret, they just know how to live in a way where they satisfy each other's emotional and sexual needs while maintaining a healthy life. Ultimately it comes down to the little things each person is doing, and if they communicate well enough to address them in the early stages. Although sometimes relationships sputter out after the first month, not because something is wrong with it, but because one or both partners decide "Hey, I thought I wanted this, but I realize now that I want something else." And there really isn't much you could do about that. Experience is how we learn what works for us and what doesn't, and only a masochist or a sadist would force that to keep going. (Cause trust me, if one person doesn't want to be there, things will eventually get pretty toxic on both sides.) But if both people are in it for the long haul, thankfully there is a key to keep going. See, love is cyclical. And knowing that, and being conscious about which stage of the pattern you are in will help to understand why the relationship is curbing in a certain direction. If you really want a relationship to weather the test of time, you have to learn how to keep falling in love with the same person over and over again. And vice versa. Hope that helps, I wish there was more I could offer.
My longest one was only 5 months @_@, and that was back in highshcool. i dont think its the tactics here, i say its Chemistry! and also the efforts of both side of the parties. if only one is making effort i don't think it'll last any longer sadly :/
Chemistry does matter more in the long run, but people do change, (Or maybe one changes, but the other stagnates) and thats a big part of why even longterm relationships end.
Apr 28, 19 at 7:26pm
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Apr 28, 19 at 7:27pm
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Apr 28, 19 at 7:33pm
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Apr 28, 19 at 8:40pm
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Apr 28, 19 at 8:41pm
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