Any Gendouians?
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
Any Gendouians?
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
It's been a.. thought of mine since I've joined if there are any fellow Gendouians here, or if there ever were, as it seems the kind of haunt they'd be on.
If you are a Gendouian, hey, remember me, I'm Jess, username giiraaffee (I know it's stupid, don't judge me, I was 15!).
For those of you not Gendouians, a Gendouian is a member of (, we used to pretty much sit all day in the chatroom, make avatars, signatures and mess with code on our profiles and spam the forums in Waste of Time.
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