Obscure fate memes

Gil-Kun @endgame
Obscure fate memes
Gil-Kun @endgame
All of you know the common ones.
People die when they are killed and so on.
I want things that are more obscure, questions that make us wonder why things are the way they are.
Things like

Nocturnal @nocturnalxassassin
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Obscure fate memes
Nocturnal @nocturnalxassassin
This is exactly what we need, what a man of culture you are

S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
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Obscure fate memes
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
@FakeSpiral If you hadn't guessed by now, Nocturnal is a huge Fate fanboy.

Gil-Kun @endgame
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Obscure fate memes
Gil-Kun @endgame

I mean Fate is one of the best written worlds ever. It deserves all the recognition it can get. My copy of Fate/Zero is personally encoded at 5gb an episode. I literally added the romanji into the intro song and spent over 16 hours encoding it from the bluray. I'm a huge fan as well. For reference

Nocturnal @nocturnalxassassin
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Obscure fate memes
Nocturnal @nocturnalxassassin
@FakeSpiral I second that, Fate is one of the best written worlds ever. I can spend hours upon hours sometimes just reading about the lore and geez your dedication is truly admired by me aheh

cursedrena @cursedrena
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Obscure fate memes
cursedrena @cursedrena

fucking weebs, all of you~

cursedrena @cursedrena
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Obscure fate memes
cursedrena @cursedrena


Gil-Kun @endgame
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Obscure fate memes
Gil-Kun @endgame

cursedrena @cursedrena
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Obscure fate memes
cursedrena @cursedrena


cursedrena @cursedrena
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Obscure fate memes
cursedrena @cursedrena

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