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How long have you been single or taken

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Pancakes mean something super different to us brits. I have mine with lemon juice and sugar
I've been single for about 9 or 10 months now. It's actually a little ambiguous when my last relationship ended, but it was around then.
5 yrs n I’m ok with that, single life had been good.
I was hurt real bad in my last relationship, but it's been about 2 years now. I'm not into the short term. Just havent found the right person yet...
About a month. Her reasons were her constantly busy work, our language barriers, too far away, etc., but she said love is not lost and still hopes we'll meet. But in general by local area, a few decades since my school years.
6752 days and every moment breaking my previous record, and each second getting more depressed because i know It's my fault :)
Was about 22 when i got in my first serious relationship Which ended a year and a half ago Been having trouble picking the thread back up
currently 5 years but i made a plan to move to a different state and she wants to stay here. so we agreed to break up when i move. after the agreement was made we just slowly stopped talking to each other so i'd consider myself single.
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