Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
is the system perfect? no i dont think people should be given lifetime seats, a politician should work for the people and should always be on their toes about doing whats right for the people
i also think the electoral college should be dismantled
i care about politics, but not enough to do tons of tons of research on every candidate every time a seat is open
and not to mention the amount of false reporting and lies that would be put up to sway citizens
the normal person isnt going to have time to research every little thing and we're already seeing people become swayed by simply headlines without investigating further
do i want uneducated, people who wont look past more then the title of the article having first hand choices in elections? fuck no xD
and i already kinda fear for the future of my nephew, and hopefully ill be able to move my family to england or canada
im pretty sick of american politics in general, the lobbyist, corruption, and general dumb fuckery
and i get it, thats what comes with a superpower of a nation, and we are better corruption wise compared to russia and china, but id rather live in a small nation that doesnt have to deal with that in general
Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
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Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
theres a third party in this, tabris
and thats media
lobbyists and every slimy politicians campaigning directly to the people who are too hard working to do enough research
we already have examples in this political climate with the influx of *hates myself for saying this* "fake news"
Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
i know its indirect democracy, i was bringing that up to say i agree with you on that
the electoral college nearly always sways republican, when the actual votes sway democrat
so why would i be for that ;3?
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
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[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
People who do not understand the Electoral College or wish for an ideal direct democracy hate the Electoral College. It really is more complex than "do you want the power in the people or slimy politicians". The electoral college while not perfect protects against tyranny of the mob (pure majority rule). This is in part to ensure that the needs and values of less populated areas still matter ( I thought minorities mattered or is that only on skin color and not overall needs, lifestyle and values?).
The EC is built so that masses in NYC and Miami and other highly metropolitan areas do not completely nullify and destroy areas of the country who are not like it. Things that make sense in some areas of the country would make very little sense in others. Very few things should be implemented on a national/federal level for this very reason.
Trusting slimy politicians isn't ideal and I can't say I have a lot of faith in them but I can't say I have a whole lot of faith in the entirety of the voting populace. Some people vote for either one issue (I'm somewhat guilty of this) more than others, vote for superficial reasons (you can't tell me Obama didn't get a lot of votes purely because of his skin color - or Clinton for her gender).
Power in America is divided by design and the Electoral College while it does not always produce perfect results (popular vote translating to presidential win) its not like its so obviously trash that it should be done away with either. The only reason people want to abolish the EC is to consolidate power which is pretty much the opposite of what our Founding Fathers wanted. People who have no idea what is going on in a certain part of the country should not be dictating policy for them. If the EC were abolished this would happen a lot more.
The Electoral College is a naturally conservative entity (much like American Law actually) and it does benefit conservatives over liberals I will completely admit that. The reason that this isn't some travesty is that Conservatives by in large believe in dividing power and limited federal power which is a core tenet of the EC. Liberals on the other hand believe in trusting government to oversee many functions and centralizing power.
There are some solid reasons why divided power while not ideal is ultimately a good thing. For one it protects once again from the tyranny of the mob which the general population is susceptible to short term trends and passionate stances (riding emotions essentially). History has taught us over and over and over and over again that consolidated power ends badly for many people.
Imagine that you feel X about an issue and other people feel Y. In a vote 40% of people feel X and 60% Y (I'll leave out the undecided or neutral people for sake of discussion). In a direct democracy people who feel X get squat everywhere in the country and Y is the rule of the land. To those who think "so what a majority have decided and that's just how it is" picture X as "gay marriage" or "LGBT rights" or whatever issue is important to you.
Now further imagine that you value X and a great many people locally feel the way you do as is life experience and environment. A bunch of people from a completely different part of the country with a different just about everything feel Y and impose those views on you and codify it into law irregardless of how that will impact your community. This in no way protects those of the "minority opinion" and basically tells them their values or stances are worth nothing.
TL;DR The Electoral college does what it is designed to do and offers benefits that combat negatives of a direct democracy. The people who do not like the EC either do not understand it or are ideologically opposed to separation of power and not having consolidated power. It does benefit conservatives overall but that is in part because the ideology behind the EC and Conservatism are more or less the same (divided power and less federal rule). People who cannot wrap their minds around separation of power or pitfalls of a direct democracy will inherently bemoan the "outdated" or unfair" without considering how a direct democracy can also be unfair.
Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
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Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
i would like to see tabris and napalm debate direct democracy vs indirect >w>!
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
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[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
Why not debate yourself? Youve been posting about EC related matters and have been wanting to debate. Plus tabris is more anti politician in his content which no system would address.
Tho its funny people think the NRA is so influential. Using the NRA as scapegoat us very dumb
Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
im always arguing and debating people, id like to see you two debate it out >w>
your both more knowledgeable on this subject than myself and seem very passionate about it
lets use this thread how its ment to be used
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