jerus90 @jerus90
jerus90 @jerus90
Hi guys, I was wondering who else plays mmo's? I play WoW ( badly) but also play ESO and Tera on the Xbox. What ones do you recommend/pay?

aho girl @ahoonnanoko
commented on
aho girl @ahoonnanoko
Hiya, I do. I play Final Fantasy XIV. Highly recommend, especially if you're a Final Fantasy fan.

Revioli @revoli
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Revioli @revoli
This account has been suspended.

Mango Twist @mangotwist
commented on
Mango Twist @mangotwist
The only one I still play is GW2, I'm always up to try new ones though, MO MMO group would be fun

bobezlolz @bobezlolz
commented on
bobezlolz @bobezlolz
I used to raid hardcore in WoW as a healer, quit in BFA, now playing FFXIV because its more chill and has super nice art and animations, if you like questing the no english dialogue can be a little jarring at first.

poop @ekreon
commented on
poop @ekreon
Don't really play MMOs anymore but i used to be addicted, would recommend FFXIV, GW2, vindictus (for the combat), OSRS, SWTOR and DC universe mmo thingy dont remember the name

firestorm9832 @firestorm9832
commented on
firestorm9832 @firestorm9832
As everyone else has said, FFXIV! Best MMO

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
Considering I have never been financially stable to keep any kind of subscription I find the genre not really a match for me.
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