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elhaym @elhaym commented on pizza
Jan 02, 19 at 7:26pm
Chillpill, never tried a Frutti di Mare?
Jan 02, 19 at 7:49pm
I once ate a pizza with ham and shrimps... It was good!!!!!
@ elhaym I had to look it up just now to be honest to see what you were talking about cause I literally never heard of Frutti di Mare before lol. Figured it was Italian by the name you posted and I do like seafood of all kinds. Earlier today I had boiled shrimp in fact. And the images I see of it with noodles actually do look really good to tell you the truth and had similar pasta dishes before with shrimp in them but never really had any other type of seafood with it.But that pic you posted with it on pizza idk if I would be able to stomach that one. Maybe it's just the image. And it might actually be good. I would have to see it freshly made somewhere to really say if I would try it. I know some people like all sorts of toppings on their pizza but I just keep it simple. Pepperoni, cheese, red sauce never the white, and Italian sausage. I'm currently watching the world news on my T.V. so I apologize for my very slow response elhaym X-X …...My family in New Orleans can make some good gumbo. I don't know if you ever eaten that or not before. I don't even know if most Americans eat it to be honest. Some northern people say that us eating crawfish or what some call mudbugs which I think is just an awful word to describe them cause it's always been crawfish or crayfish to us is gross for eating it. And Southern Louisiana makes all sorts of things with crawfish and other seafood.
Baka @reinhardt76 commented on pizza
Jan 02, 19 at 8:03pm
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Jan 02, 19 at 8:11pm
I super love pizza
Pizza is good. I wish it didn't give me heartburn.
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elhaym @elhaym commented on pizza
Jan 03, 19 at 7:39pm
@blissfull, did you ever tried those ones that you can say it's a nuh-uh?
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elhaym @elhaym commented on pizza
Jan 03, 19 at 7:45pm
Fair enough~ so you have all rights to say it's not tasty ~
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