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Femininity and Relationship Chemistry

Dec 26, 18 at 1:19am
@beherit Tomboy girl is considered unfeminine.. so yes tomboyish girls is the counterpart of feminine guys. And if tomboyish girls participate jn physical activities and sports they can become masculine too.. Feminine guys doesnt only mean to look like girls, but also the ones who take interest in activities or have likes which are considered typical of girls Though i understand what you meant when you said about the 'masculine' girls part. What you actually meant was butch women, and they are hypermasculine (extreme end of masculinity) and in their cases not all guys like them (but again the ones who like them not necessarily have any problems). The same can be said for hyper feminine guys or guys at the other extreme of feminity.. but if you compare general feminine guys then you have to compare them with tomboyish girls..
@TaoistShinigami , I don't relate to the majority of that image, and I have met people that way, needless to say they sort of tick me off over time so I doubt I'd try and follow in their footsteps.
Feminine guys..Tomboy girls..one standard: if they are against stereotypes of genders..
For example,in some countries a girl may be regarded to be a tomboy if she majors in STEM a guy may be regarded to be feminine if he write many touchy-feely poems/lyrics... Sure some standards are related to physical traits..
Well, if you ask me, the male equivalent of a tomboy is a "pretty boy", or a male who tends to have some feminine traits such as dressing nicely, having a slender look, clean-cut appearance, and is more gentle or "feminine" compared to a manly man. Like the tomboy, I know many girls who would go for that, but not a "feminine man". From my experience a "feminine man" is the opposite of a Butch, and is a man who looks and acts like a woman. Perhaps saying something was wrong was a poor choice of words, (arguably, but the only girls I've seen into what I call "feminine guys", are always the SJW types). The preference for manly men and feminine women is rooted in biology, but admittedly western society is changing faster than our biology. https://medium.com/@whitneyvmorgan/why-feminine-energy-is-kryptonite-for-men-a277ec182232
This kind of guys may be considered to be feminine by a few people too..Auntron said sweet ass guys are very likely to be friendzoned. https://wx1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/87d788b2gy1fykdaakbebj20dw0dbtbc.jpg
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I myself (supposedly a girl), appreciate feminine males. I find them cute. I can't speak for all girls though, we're all different and feel and find things to be differently.
@Beherit The Iconoclast I don't have a preference for if a guy is feminine, masculine, neutral, or both alternating between the two, as a partner, is something wrong with me then to you? I don't see how it's wrong for a girl to like feminine guys.
@Enki, well I am most of those things in that image, but nobody who knows me in real-life would describe me as "feminine", just not very masculine. @Ahogealewd, I already admitted the "problems" bit was poorly worded and articulated. I do not believe there is anything inherently wrong with such preferences per say, but the very few girls I know who do prefer feminine guys are SJWs with shitty personalities, which is why I said what I said. If you like feminine guys and aren't like that, then I'm glad for you.
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