Something that you like?
pana @pana
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Something that you like?
pana @pana
Sketch art or just anime art in general. I personally think it is truly amazing to be able to draw something so awesome and cool. It is a wonderful talent/skill. Also I like food.
Laffantion @laffantion
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Something that you like?
Laffantion @laffantion
i like to live i guess
Lishifu @hakutaku
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Something that you like?
Lishifu @hakutaku
information~new skills~new ideas~
Aka-san @redhawk
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Something that you like?
Aka-san @redhawk
^ Little Sis secretly a Communist spy, gathering intel, improving her assassination skills and learning new ways on how to torture and extract information
delgadoms @delgadoms
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Something that you like?
delgadoms @delgadoms
The person reading this ;D
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Something that you like?
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
This account has been suspended.
nuke288 @nuke288
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Something that you like?
nuke288 @nuke288
Maybe traveling. I haven't been outside the US yet, but it's something I want to do.
ウィスキー @tenki
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Something that you like?
ウィスキー @tenki
IDC @lovemyweird
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Something that you like?
IDC @lovemyweird
This account has been suspended.
Kyle (nataku411) @nataku411
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Something that you like?
Kyle (nataku411) @nataku411
I like pianos and pianos like me
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