What is your favorite anime?

warmblood2 @warmblood2
What is your favorite anime?
warmblood2 @warmblood2
Mine is the Melancholy of Haruhisuzumiya

g3yerer @g3yerer
commented on
What is your favorite anime?
g3yerer @g3yerer
boku no hero academia or jojos pt 2

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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What is your favorite anime?
judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
This account has been suspended.

mintymatcha @mintymatcha
commented on
What is your favorite anime?
mintymatcha @mintymatcha
I'm not good with questions like thiiiss-.
If I had to choose, it'd Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice). That was the first title that actually had me buy the whole light novel series almost immediately after balling my eyes out.

rayelight @rayelight
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What is your favorite anime?
rayelight @rayelight
It's a tie between Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist.

CAC @cac
commented on
What is your favorite anime?
CAC @cac
I kind of hate getting this question, there are too many good ones to pick one.
Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, NGE, FMA & B, Eureka 7, GTO, NHK, Melancholy of Haruhi suzumiya, Full Metal Panic, SAO, Beck, Nodame Cantabile, k-on, Inial D.
Just some of my favorites.

kero98 @kero98
commented on
What is your favorite anime?
kero98 @kero98
Gurren Lagann would have to be my all time favourite and I doubt anything will ever top it for me. I also adore Space Dandy and Redline as well as tons of other stuff but none of it appeals to me the exact way TTGL does.

kratos10987 @kratos10987
commented on
What is your favorite anime?
kratos10987 @kratos10987
Dang, that's a tough one. There are so many I like. I think at the moment, I'd have to say Hunter x Hunter.

pineapplestar @pineapplestar
commented on
What is your favorite anime?
pineapplestar @pineapplestar
If Kara no Kyokai counts, it is that. If not then it is a tie between Moribito and Kino no Tabi.

ginja @ginja
commented on
What is your favorite anime?
ginja @ginja
Without a doubt, Durarara!! Best show of all time in my opinion.
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