*Pokes* Haha hi everyone

Yami Girl @yamigirl
*Pokes* Haha hi everyone
Yami Girl @yamigirl
Hiya everyone nice to meet you all I'm a pretty huge fan of Yu-Gi-Oh but of course I love other anime's to, I'm on here to make some friend's. Oh I'm planning on creating a YouTube channel for Yu-Gi-Oh stuff to haha, well as you can tell my fav is Yami/Yugi

CAC @cac
commented on
*Pokes* Haha hi everyone
CAC @cac
I see, welcome.

Yami Girl @yamigirl
commented on
*Pokes* Haha hi everyone
Yami Girl @yamigirl
Thank you

Joji @vortre
commented on
*Pokes* Haha hi everyone
Joji @vortre
Hey I'm a fan of YGO too, Share a birthday with Yugi Moto in fact (4th June)
Also get a fair bit of down-time on YGO Duel Links if you play.
so welcome fellow children's card game player xD
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