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Sep 01, 18 at 3:56pm
Hi all im pretty new here and would like to get to know people. hit me up if you fancy a chat.
Sep 01, 18 at 4:35pm
So do people still chat to eatch other on here or is it mostly friend groups now XXD jk
Sep 01, 18 at 4:39pm
Also i have a group for people from the UK to join to try and get us all in one place as its good for people to get to know eachother from the same place :D
Sep 01, 18 at 4:42pm
Hey! I'm new here too and I also live in the UK.
Sep 01, 18 at 4:44pm
Hey up how things ma dude XD
Sep 01, 18 at 4:45pm
Pretty good
Sep 01, 18 at 4:49pm
Gd Gd. so watching any good anime atm. anything you'd recommend:D
Sep 01, 18 at 4:52pm
Just finished the first season of K-ON! and was pleasantly surprised, enjoyed it quite a bit. I've also been watching HeroAca but I see you've already watched that. Been rewatching some Monogatari too. Love it. How about you?
Sep 03, 18 at 1:39pm
Ah nice, i still need to have a look at K-On it looks cool. HeroAca is awsome but ive only watched the anime as i dont really wana spoil it by reading the manga as im enjoying it XD. Monogatari, i see your a man of culture as well XXD. I love the monogatari series its Ace.
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