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Probably french since it’s somewhat similar to Spanish. What’s one thing you struggle to focus on?
Oct 06, 19 at 12:37pm
To give a fuck about people around me (because I should) When does time pass fastest for you and when does it pass the slowest?
Oct 06, 19 at 12:44pm
goes insanely fast when im listening to music insanely slow when in lines what is your third favorite color?
White What’s your least favorite color?
Purple red and dark blue Why does life suck ?
Oct 06, 19 at 12:54pm
Because the world is a messed up place and your brain fucks with you even when everything is fine... (Although its all based on perspective.. your shitty life could be a safe haven for others.. Be happy with what you have, take a step back, look at the big picture and ask yourself how you can make it better, just because it sucks now doesnt mean you wont be happy with it later) Whats one thing that happened to you today that made you happy
That small amount of time where you wake up and you’re still asleep idk it just made me happy. What’s one bad/rude thing you’ve done recently?
Oct 06, 19 at 1:05pm
I told my mom she couldnt use my car to take my sister to rehab.. What keeps you coming back to this site
Oct 06, 19 at 1:09pm
denying people wins what's your favourite type of meat?
Voice over a scene in boku no pico word for word Whats in the box?
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