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There are weebs in our province for sure. Otakuthon/Nadeshicon attract thousands each years. But in these con most people are either loner or in group so new acquantainces are rare to make.
rabbit78 @rabbit78 commented on Quebec
Aug 13, 18 at 7:52pm
I go to the one in Montreal, but you're right, not may ppl are there to make friends. :(
I know, that what I even plan to move out,because I struggle socially here with my hobbies. People don't share the same interest and when I open to them about my love of animes we have nothing in common to discuss or they flee. I'm actually quite confident when talking about the manga subculture to the public, but there are no reciprocity in my encounters. The only place are at conventions. I think if I can when I move out, I will try to find an anime club or create my own there to attract the otakus. I would rather be in a sane environment than to die to the basic flow.
rabbit78 @rabbit78 commented on Quebec
Aug 16, 18 at 10:17pm
Yea no kidding. I wish there were more places to meet up live.
Sep 06, 18 at 12:31am
hi there saw you mention Otakuthon. I go each years. Me and a friend were thinking in making a panel to socialized/make friend. we dont know how we will make it happen as a panel but we will try. Otherwise we might do a otaku event in montreal to meet and shared our passion of anime/manga.
av2k @avatar2k commented on Quebec
Sep 08, 18 at 2:28pm
Hi everyone. I'm actually moving to Montreal this October and I've got no friends there yet. It seems to me that I'll be pretty late for all summer cons, so I'll be glad to meet anyone outside festivals. I more than support any event to socialze and get to know each other.
Je suis québécois français! I also go to Otakuthon every years in cosplay.
av2k @avatar2k commented on Quebec
Oct 01, 18 at 5:07pm
So do Montrealers here meet up anywhere or do they prefer staying at home? If someone invites you for a day out, would you accept? )
Nov 07, 18 at 11:36am
I already went to Montreal once in my life... And I can speak french. Mais je ne suis pas québécoise, toutes mes excuses.
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