What's your MBTI personality type?
avi2711 @avi2711
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What's your MBTI personality type?
avi2711 @avi2711
I'm INTP ^^
Niwatori @niwatori
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Niwatori @niwatori
Sir gone @sir_loligagger_faded_face
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Sir gone @sir_loligagger_faded_face
INTP -A/-T but it doesn't really matter that much as most people change over time and even these tests can't tell how you change with stress and etc. I kinda feel like it's a better astrology sign thing with a lot of overlapping. For example, I'm technically a moderator in arguments and I like to play devils advocate but I also don't care that much as I feel nothing matters.
Another problem that I have with this is that it's all self-proscribed with a strong possibility of incorrect self-interpretation. So with you feeding an algorithm incorrect and or unrealistic self-data, you may not actually be the result that the sites hand out. Humans are also too ready to accept and apply patterns and data to themselves and not apply that info accurately. The Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy runs strong within people so to trust this unequivocally means trouble.
Well, with all the witticism aside it's just a fun little social tag like a t-shirt with a meme on it...Well at least to me.
pineapplestar @pineapplestar
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What's your MBTI personality type?
pineapplestar @pineapplestar
This is a helpful tool because it allows you to see what people think of themselves, whether or not it is an accurate descriptor. For me, every time it is ENTJ, sometimes stronger or softer but always the same. It's a bit more accurate than horoscope lol.
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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What's your MBTI personality type?
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
Here are my results... I am satisfied to say the least...
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Is anyone surprised? I'm not
Lishifu @hakutaku
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Lishifu @hakutaku
Lishifu @hakutaku
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Lishifu @hakutaku
Amelanchier @amelanchier
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Amelanchier @amelanchier
^ I feel attacked
Lishifu @hakutaku
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Lishifu @hakutaku
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