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Anonymous confessions!

Jan 27, 19 at 8:20am
#1623: When I was 5 years old, a boy from my day care(around 6-7years) said that we could play a game where we would look into each other's underwear. I agreed as I seriously thought it was a game. I looked into his underwear for half second, and honestly I checked out so fast that I didn't see anything... But that guy took his own sweet time to look into my panty. I didn't find it a fun game, so didn't continue. But, when I remember this incident, I feel so bad that I was fooled easily by a boy and yielded myself to satisfy his curiousity.
Jan 27, 19 at 8:20am
#1624: I sometimes listen to music and pretend to be a pop star
Jan 27, 19 at 8:21am
#1625: maiotaku is dead
@1623 You really shouldn't beat yourself up so much about that. Most kids that age wouldn't even think that way, I would be more surprised if you were sofa where enough and everything else to realize what was going on
Jan 31, 19 at 9:38am
#1626: I have no friends and don't know how to make any
Jan 31, 19 at 9:38am
#1627: Mikan is overrated
Jan 31, 19 at 9:41am
#1628: So apparently I'm tsundere... but I refuse to accept it xD So I'll never admit it...but hmmm there is a guy I've been talking to here. I enjoy talking to him and I get really jealous of other girls talking to him...which is also a secret I'd never tell. But I don't know how we mesh for more than what it is or chemistry wise? But is it okay to learn more about what you like in a relationship? I just can't stand hurt feelings. It's too sad. Ah, I just don't know!!!!
Jan 31, 19 at 9:42am
#1629: I always use incognito window when confessing, just in case it's traceable x.X
Jan 31, 19 at 9:43am
#1630: Can't believe its already been a month since i gave up on finding Love and i don't mean giving up and it comes to me I MEAN Giving up completely Like getting married 3 times and divorcing 3 times giving up. I'm pretty much Done now and has been the best moment decisions of my life..... I plan to stay single the rest of my Life (even though i never date). I guess in a small weird way i have to thank Her even though we wont speak again. she open my eyes to the truth.. I am Free
Jan 31, 19 at 9:44am
#1631: I’m a nineteen year old virgin, but beyond that I’ve never even had a girlfriend, never kissed anyone. A girl I had a crush on told me she liked me once in first grade and that’s the closest I’ve gotten to an actual relationship, first grade, how pathetic is that? I don’t know why, as far as I can tell I’m not horrifically ugly or anything, I’ll fall head over heels for a girl then never be able to ask her out, I’ve always been pretty shy but that feels like an insufficient explanation for years of priest-like celibacy. I’m not gay, not that I have any problem with that, a lot of people assume I’m gay, a few guys have even asked me out, I’ve experimented with gay porn to see if I’ve just been like subconsciously lying to myself or anything, and in the right mood I can get off, but I’ve never felt attracted to guys like I am to girls, I’ve never had my heart stopped by a cute guy like it does with girls. I feel to confident in my sexuality think that’s it atleast, I guess I feel like I get friend zoned too quickly, like maybe my expectations for how well I should know someone before launching a relationship are just higher than most? Maybe part of me just knows I’m not ready to commit to someone in the way I think they’d deserve? I really hate feeling like this, because I wanna be happy, and I feel like I let down girls who are interested in me when I don’t end up asking them out, part of me just wants someone to do it for me, for some courageous girl to tell me how they feel about me so I don’t have to guess, but I guess that’s an unrealistic expectation right? Was that first grader really one in a million? Or have I since developed some trait that just makes me averse to girls and anything I think someone feels for me is just a hopeless fantasy? Sometimes I just wish people would tell you what they’re thinking, just give me something to go off of, ya know? Anyway that’s my confession -19 year old virgin
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