Favorite site to watch anime?

Champloo @champloo
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Favorite site to watch anime?
Champloo @champloo
Mainly Gogoanime, sometimes 9anime
Before I was mainly using 9anime and before that it was kissanime

Whisp @whispywoods
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Favorite site to watch anime?
Whisp @whispywoods
Since I never really answered... I got really used to download and watch in good quality, so I download it from horriblesubs.

Nobody @muffster
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Favorite site to watch anime?
Nobody @muffster
This account has been suspended.

X @lycanbladefang
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Favorite site to watch anime?
X @lycanbladefang
I'm with Muff
Though gogoanime don't usually have HD but i'm fine with it.

Guida (Sal) @salganha
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Favorite site to watch anime?
Guida (Sal) @salganha
I only have Netflix, so when I have to watch illegally I download from HorribleSubs
I don't feel guilty to watch illegally, cuz the crunchyroll from my country sucks, and Netflix is adding some cool ones rn

Papa Stalin @alipt
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Favorite site to watch anime?
Papa Stalin @alipt
Gogoanime and kissanime are fine

larinmimilover @larinmimilover
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Favorite site to watch anime?
larinmimilover @larinmimilover
VRV which has alot of "channels" on it to include crucnhyroll and funimation

The King Nuro @nuro0o
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Favorite site to watch anime?
The King Nuro @nuro0o
On masteranime you can keep a list while watching etc, it's pretty nice.

AnimeYuriFan @bakablc
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Favorite site to watch anime?
AnimeYuriFan @bakablc
Usually use the anime1 app.. Othertimes i watch on crunchyroll, hulu and netflix >.>
For older series that arent available on those i google em up, hope for the best.. Probably a good way to get viruses though lol

Weaponized_Depression @weaponized_depression
commented on
Favorite site to watch anime?
Weaponized_Depression @weaponized_depression
Masterani is really good. Page isn't cluttered with ads and everything loads fast. Highly recommend it.
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