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toru @toru
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toru @toru
Last night, I heard a shattering sound coming from the basement.

X @lycanbladefang
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X @lycanbladefang
So i went and take my AA-12 shotgun and pokeball with me

toru @toru
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toru @toru
The shotgun for if the pokemon won't stay in the pokeball, if I can't have it nobody can.

CAC @cac
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CAC @cac
So I slowly and quietly walked down the stairs...

toru @toru
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toru @toru
But I forget about the squeaky step thats the third to last stair.

Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
This account has been suspended.

CAC @cac
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CAC @cac
Somehow the cat is still sleeping even though I heard a loud sound. Was I just imagining it?

. @vezax
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. @vezax
'Forget the cat' voice comes from behind
'throw the pokeball at tabris' says the voice!

Lo @theycallmelo
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Lo @theycallmelo
Then, as if the universe had died, times seemed to stop as a cloaked man - wearing a mask, approached from the shadows of the basement.

. @vezax
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. @vezax
That cloaked man was G-man
He said 'Gordon freeman its time for u to come with me'..
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