Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?

. @vezax
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
. @vezax
What i do is i continously mine moneros from my GPU set, and when the market is down and bitcoin value drops a huge tonne i exchange monero for bitcoins.. i prefer that over directly investing over bitcoins.
In my university dorms the electricity is free so thats a big advantage in mining them >.> Sure the dorm manager gets puzzled as to how the electricity consumption shoots up :p

Baka @reinhardt76
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Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
Baka @reinhardt76
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. @vezax
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
. @vezax
If u r mining coins, then now is a good time to exchange monero to bitcoins! As u get more bitcoins than usual.. ofcoz under the expectation that it rises back to 10k$

. @vezax
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
. @vezax
If it doesnt rise then RIP.. afterall its a big gamble ^^

xxx @__removed_gurren921
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
xxx @__removed_gurren921
Volatility creates opportunity.
Bitcoin has been going down for quite some time now. It went down to $5800 and has rebounded to $6300 within 12 hours. Don’t expect large returns on it nowadays, but I’d say it’s a BUY when it’s under $6000 and then sell whenever you want to.
Personally I have a few ethereum

. @vezax
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
. @vezax
Ethereum was really good in the past, but now its almost like bitcoins.. need heavy sums of investment to get nice profits. If u invested on ethereum a lot of time ago then i guess that was a wise decision!

xxx @__removed_gurren921
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
xxx @__removed_gurren921
Well everything was good last fall haha
At this point it’s just fun to watch, and see how it reacts to various news regarding cryptos. At this point I’d look into real estate apps such as Fundrise or stock apps like Robinhood if you want to invest but have around $500

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
neeto @neet_one
I've got 0.08 btc myself at the moment, which is only about $500. It's not a great time to invest in bit coins at all, but at least in my case I only spent about $25 to get what I got now a few years ago.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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xxx @__removed_gurren921
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
xxx @__removed_gurren921
I don’t really know that coin or the tech behind it. All I can see is that it went from $32.40 to $2.44 in 5 months.
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