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Tips on finding a real life husbando or waifu?

"Be yourself unless your a dangerous psychopath" Please disregard that last part and be yourself even if you're a dangerous psychopath! :^) For the world needs more dangerous psychopaths being themselves. For all those people that are into that. #askingforafriend Also: if you're going for the kidnapping route, just make sure you keep them locked up until the Stockholm's has taken full effect - safety first and all. C:
Step one... Ask singles (Some of which have never even had a relationship.). Welp... Looks like you're right on track to a life full of happiness.
Learn from Genji..if you know this famous work and its male protag. If you are rich enough, you can adopt a little girl<3 to 8>and teach her by yourself, train her to be your ideal waifu heh.
I mean make sure they’re considering a future with you
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Step one: Realizing that love life its not like a any romance movie or shoujo manga/anime Step two: Cry a lot Step three: See you own flaws and deal with it Step four: Low the high flag of the idealization of the "perfect partner" Step five: DO NOT, NEVER, PLAY MIND GAMES WITH THE PERSON THAT YOU LIKE
Learn online flirting from my fellow Indians... https://image.ibb.co/kh44Ky/unnamed_3.jpg
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