Nice to meet you.

destroyerofpuerile @destroyerofpuerile
Nice to meet you.
destroyerofpuerile @destroyerofpuerile
I'm coming to this site with a few goals: To relax, to chat to some epic people, to find inspiration for my craft, to have a place at the end of the day to idly sit in, and perhaps, if possible, to make some long standing friends. Feel free to say hi!

CAC @cac
commented on
Nice to meet you.
CAC @cac
well hello

destroyerofpuerile @destroyerofpuerile
commented on
Nice to meet you.
destroyerofpuerile @destroyerofpuerile
Hey there! What's up?

CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
commented on
Nice to meet you.
CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
Welcome, hope you enjoy it here.

- @saltypretzel
commented on
Nice to meet you.
- @saltypretzel
Yo yo yo, welcome to mo .

CAC @cac
commented on
Nice to meet you.
CAC @cac
not too much, how about you?

destroyerofpuerile @destroyerofpuerile
commented on
Nice to meet you.
destroyerofpuerile @destroyerofpuerile
Thank you all for the warm welcome: I plan to stay a while, so I can't wait to get to know everyone. I'm particularly interested in working with artists and writers!

Torao @paully
commented on
Nice to meet you.
Torao @paully
Welcome to MO! What’s an epic person tho? XD
Always does crazy epic stuff or something?

destroyerofpuerile @destroyerofpuerile
commented on
Nice to meet you.
destroyerofpuerile @destroyerofpuerile
@Torao: Yes! Of course, I have low standards for what I deem "epic". Showing some art skills higher than mine (which isn't hard to do) is one quick way to get the title!

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Nice to meet you.
Lishifu @hakutaku
I mistook you as another person who for months used that image as the profile picture hah.
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