The anxiety is so real right now.

doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
The anxiety is so real right now.
doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
Hey, so I'm wait. Scratch that. I am REALLY new to this...and I don't know what all to say.
I'm introverted to the point that it's to be considered beyond pathetic, clumsy, socially awkward and I suffer from severe anxiety. Now that I've got all of the negatives out of the way, shall I dive into the good things that try to make up for the bad?
I would like to think that I'm creative, kind and caring. I hate conflict but I will wholeheartedly defend the things that I care about.
My best friend is my cat, Esther.
For the past 13 years I've had one anime series that has continuously been my absolute favorite. That series is Trinity Blood. I realize that it's now a somewhat older series and that there aren't going to be a lot of people who are familiar with it. But I know that it exists, and that's enough for me. Although if you are familiar with, and enjoyed it then please feel free to message me. Let me know who your favorite character is. Mine is Father Abel Nightroad.
That's all that I have to say for now. I hope that you can forgive the untidiness of my post. (I have ADD which means that my thoughts aren't very organized.)

BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
The anxiety is so real right now.
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Welcome to MaiOtaku. I hope that you find some great people and enjoy your time here

Whisp @whispywoods
commented on
The anxiety is so real right now.
Whisp @whispywoods

Welcome, enjoy your stay. If it comforts you, you are not the only socially awkard person around here, so it's fine.
I like the eevee hat, btw.

doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
commented on
The anxiety is so real right now.
doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
^^' Thank you. Pokemon is a pretty big part of my life. I've been working on a shiny living dex since 2016. Currently standing at 337/807.

Alfuh @alfuh
commented on
The anxiety is so real right now.
Alfuh @alfuh
Nothing to be anxious about, just a bunch of other people with similar interests here. Lean back and relax (๑ᵕ⌓ᵕ̤)

doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
commented on
The anxiety is so real right now.
doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie

So I keep telling myself. Just need to chill. ^_^

profwiddershins @profwiddershins
commented on
The anxiety is so real right now.
profwiddershins @profwiddershins
Greetings! I'm new here too. I suspect many of us are introverts and are full of our individual anxieties, but we are united in our love for the comforts of anime and our otakuness (I'm not sure if that's inspiring but I'm imagining me saying it as part of an impassioned speech, closed fist out and everything).
Glad to meet you ^.^ Feel free to chat at me any time.

doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
commented on
The anxiety is so real right now.
doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
Anything's inspirational enough if you just believe with all of your might. But believe it or not, I'm actually relaxing a bit. It's just the overall initial leap of faith that gets me every. Single. Time.
But yeah, I'm cool. I'm hip as the youngsters are all saying these days.
Psst. That is what the kids are saying, right?

Alfuh @alfuh
commented on
The anxiety is so real right now.
Alfuh @alfuh
Yoooo 27 isn't that old chill with that you gonna start trying to make *me* feel ancient LOL ٩(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
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