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should the guy make the first move

I like it when a girl makes the first move because I know she's interested. I'm somewhat shy but I usually have the guts to send a short hello or goofy message.
To answer a question. "Should the guy make the first move". I have a question " Does a guy want to find someone?" Real life dating and online dating are 2 totally different things. But if we are talking about online dating, then don't expect female to make a move. Why? Because she has not time when she is bombarded by male attention. When you are on online dating site, males have to fight with each other for female attention, because usually you have way too many males and too little females. So if you are not doing anything, then don't keep your hopes up. Its just the way it is. Sure, this site is different from other dating sites, but still similar rules goes. Its even harder to find someone here, it's not really a dating site, more like a weeb forum :D So if you want to find someone, try and try and try again. Don't think on who should do what. Just do what you need to do to get what you want. And online you have nothing to lose.
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Don't be a beta. Show you've got balls and make a move. (And not in a Charlie Kelly "Lunge at her breasts" way) And dont be worried about being turned down. It's like the lottery. You can't win if you don't play.
Funny thing about females not making a move, because "its not right". For some reason all the time I talk about this topic with females they always says 2 things: 1. Man has to make first move. 2. Man don't like when woman makes first move. But if you talk with guys, never ever have I heard that woman making a first move is a bad thing. I got a feeling females makes this thing up, just to have an excuse not to act. Sure if you are creep then don't blame it on "first move". I personally respect females that are able to act, more than the ones that don't. And females are bombarded with attention if we are talking about real dating sites, not this one. I've made female accounts before just to see what is happening. From what I have seen, female don't need to do anything, males just standing in line to talk to you. But again its about real dating sites. You can even check stats online how females becomes super picky, because of all the attention. Shit is messed up, but nothing you can do about it.
It's simple lol. If you're interested in someone, just talk to them. If they are interested in you then you will know. There is no should.
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Girls always make a move on me, can't go wrong with 2d girls. :D
I think the rule goes like this, if they like you & have made clear indications they like you it's okay, otherwise wait until they do or move on.
Jan 11, 18 at 10:10pm
I dont think it matters honestly, if the guy messages first great! If the girls message first awesome! As long as someone sends a message, otherwise you just have two people sitting there staring at their blank inboxes lmao.
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