Do you enjoy insulting others?
CrossBones @crossbones
commented on
Do you enjoy insulting others?
CrossBones @crossbones
Oh, I love doing this.
When I used to hang out with the guys from high school, we always talk shit to each other. Racial slurs, stereotypes, anything.
oneman @oneman
commented on
Do you enjoy insulting others?
oneman @oneman
Yes. I am slightly sadistic, very jaded. Other than anime, pro wrestling, and academic topics, I really only get a joy from this very thing.
banana milk @iloveminecraft123
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Do you enjoy insulting others?
banana milk @iloveminecraft123
i wish i was more savage since i’m really into badass type of people and always wanted to be one too but i prefer hyping people up irl or online doesn’t matter and also love giving compliments for some reason <<<weak af ik
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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Do you enjoy insulting others?
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
Insulting others is refreshing at times.
Amir @amir_bahram
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Do you enjoy insulting others?
Amir @amir_bahram
...yes XD
Nini @mikan_kat
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Do you enjoy insulting others?
Nini @mikan_kat
Yes, it’s just more fun this way.
toritori @toritori
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Do you enjoy insulting others?
toritori @toritori
would never insult deez weeboos
Criselington @criselington
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Do you enjoy insulting others?
Criselington @criselington
It depends on who it is and how close we are
۵TeaIsBetterThenCoffee۵ @liloisback
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Do you enjoy insulting others?
۵TeaIsBetterThenCoffee۵ @liloisback
Yes because I can get away with it most people think I'm joking and being funny> I do it to people here and they still haven't noticed-
Jacob @jacobl89
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Do you enjoy insulting others?
Jacob @jacobl89
Someone insult me. Embarrass me.
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