Code Geass R3

Jecht @jecht
Code Geass R3
Jecht @jecht
So the finally said they are going to make a code geass R3 that takes place right after the ending of R2. (i guess world peace just isnt good enough for some people)

RoninSydd @roninsydd
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Code Geass R3
RoninSydd @roninsydd
I thought that was a rumor at first. I can agree, they have a democracy now and everybody is at peace, what else is going to happen?

Jecht @jecht
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Code Geass R3
Jecht @jecht
i got the info from Anime Pulse forums
After that i started to do some research and all i could find it that list and ALOT of fake stuff. But with this new list of titles im more sure they are going to make another CG, and the fact that the show made ALOT of money and in todays market they cant skip that.
Darkcloudstrife @darkcloudstrife
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Code Geass R3
Darkcloudstrife @darkcloudstrife
So there going to milk CG for all its worth. Damn I hope its good then some animes should stay down after they end big. =D I did love CG tho.

Duo_Maxwell @duo_maxwell
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Code Geass R3
Duo_Maxwell @duo_maxwell
hey as long as the writing and story is as good as the last two then this one will be great

ShySweetehPieXO @shysweetehpiexo
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Code Geass R3
ShySweetehPieXO @shysweetehpiexo
Dang I still can't get over what happened in Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion...Anyway, R3 is supposed to be called, Code Geass: The Nightmare of Nunally...or some other thing...

glez27 @glez27
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Code Geass R3
glez27 @glez27
In late 2009, Bandai announced a new project greenlit for 2010. It is going to involve the simultaneous release of multiple products. A manga, titled Code Geass: Jet-Black Renya (コードギアス 漆黒の連夜 Kōdo Giasu: Shikkoku no Renya?), is the first product announced. It features a seventeen year-old boy named Renya with a mechanical arm who uses shuriken as his weapon of choice. The story begins when he encounters C.C. It is supposed to be set in the Edo period. Director Goro Taniguchi will be scripting the story, which is meant to be another part of the official Code Geass history.

ShySweetehPieXO @shysweetehpiexo
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Code Geass R3
ShySweetehPieXO @shysweetehpiexo
*sigh* It just won't be the same...

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Code Geass R3
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
R2 ended in such a perfect way I'm not sure R3 will have good grounds to start on. Maybe if the Chinese decide to make a move to take over Britania and area 11?

Tokai @tokai
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Code Geass R3
Tokai @tokai
Do we have any word about a release date yet?
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