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Civil War Is Coming

Oct 06, 17 at 9:49am
i skimmed >w> robert, i know rights arent hate mongering assholes like the stereotype, thats what i ment with what i said above which is why we need to get together and communicate better with eachother and just yelling "FACIST" and "COMMIE" at eachother the core of those parties are small and large government, so thats whats important not the skewed morals of one party to another (though those morals have to do kinda with the parties fundamentals) personally i think the republican ideal had a place and helped build this country to be a strong and stable power house but political climates change and modern times simply call for the liberal democratic party republicans had a place, but that place is in history
Oct 06, 17 at 9:59am
Aye, however I still don't see how people think the parties swapped ideologies. The left hasn't changed. They just co-opted the Civil Rights and Immigration issues for votes and low cost (slave wage) labor. Decades later and they're still looking for replacement slaves. Whereas the right, lately over the past couple decades we've had a lot of what's known as Republicans In Name Only (RINOS) who tend to vote towards Democrat policies. And currently there's a huge rush to vote out the RINOs 2018. Lamby is right in that not all conservatives agree with eachother on everything. That's because we love independent thought, rather than just repeating party rhetoric in order to feign strength as a group.
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Oct 06, 17 at 10:31am
i did not see any of that in the republican party (also you dont need to be 'red pilled' to understand that there is no ultimate evil, that wer all just people and that republicans arent monsters in the dark. thats common sense and open mindedness) republicans hurt womens rights and minority rights also what do you mean the socially liberal? socialism is as far libertarian as it gets (minus communism >w>)
Oct 06, 17 at 10:38am
so does christianity in the old tesimond it says that a women should be subservient, and if raped she should be wed to her rapist and he should pay her father (did i say parents? my bad, in the old testament the mother and daughters belongs to the father until the daughter is married off) a dowry religions doesnt define people though, iv had muslim friends who didnt demand i wear a burka, they were chill im catholic but do you expect me to go around throwing paint on gays? no hate extremisms, not the religion people use to justify their own behavior, come on
Oct 06, 17 at 10:41am
we liberals defend them because a person shouldnt be defined by their nations problems if they dont want me in england because america is liberal on gun use and they think i may smuggle in a gun cause im american, thats fucking wrong ofcourse those who want the country to change because of there beliefs then yeah fuck those guys they can go back to where there apparently more comfortable but id happily defend someone who is kind at heart and follows a different religion from me
Oct 06, 17 at 10:41am
Oh hey. Comparing Ancient Christianity's brutality before the reformation to current day religions and politics where they regularly blow eachother up and shoot people. How original. /s Another Rules for Radicals guideline you just followed. Using the targets rules against them. Non-Christians for some reason genuinely think they know how to tell Christians to act. Then turn around and shit on them for believing in God. It's extremely intellectually dishonest. And I recommend you at least read the book so you can see what you're unwittingly doing.
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Oct 06, 17 at 10:48am
and you think your not being snarky gud? try toning it down abit or theres no point in speaking to you the fuck are you even on about? and you said I was on a high horse >w>..... yeesh >w>
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