Hello, I guess

shinu @shinu
Hello, I guess
shinu @shinu
My name is Robert. I'm usually content with being alone but these days I'm kind of a lonely fool. That feeling is kind of how I found this site I guess.
If I ever say anything humorously that sounds self deprecating, I mean it in the most arrogant way possible, I promise.
My life is video games. My life is anime. The two balance out into taking up all of my free time. Maybe that's not really a balance, huh? It's not that I can't spend my time on other things, but I really don't enjoy doing much of anything else.
I have no idea how long I'll stick around here, but I hope to enjoy my time here. Thank you for having me.

ひめ(Hime) @arikawa
commented on
Hello, I guess
ひめ(Hime) @arikawa
hai (・∀・)

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
commented on
Hello, I guess
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
commented on
Hello, I guess
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
This account has been suspended.

Magnolia @cerealia
commented on
Hello, I guess
Magnolia @cerealia
Welcome to MO, I guess.
Lol I like your dark humor.

shinu @shinu
commented on
Hello, I guess
shinu @shinu
Hmm, I've never thought of it as dark before, but I do feel like dark subjects beg to be joked about. Generally I find the world to be humorous in a nutshell. Something like a mad scientist laughing insanely at his own twisted creations. Of course, only when appropriate.
Oh yeah, I guess my username is pretty dark huh?
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