Things that anger you

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
Things that anger you
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Lamby @momoichi
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Things that anger you
Lamby @momoichi
people who dont have basic manners

clivethebarker @clivethebarker
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Things that anger you
clivethebarker @clivethebarker
Animal cruelty.

Ed~ @yamadaed
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Things that anger you
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

Max @reclaw
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Things that anger you
Max @reclaw
If people don't behave according to rules that exist for a good reason. Traffic rules, for example.

Max @reclaw
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Things that anger you
Max @reclaw
When people try to convince others about something that they themselves have no real idea of.

Lamby @momoichi
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Things that anger you
Lamby @momoichi
i cant agree more with the animal cruelty
makes me see crimson, not red

Uninterested. @coffeelink
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Things that anger you
Uninterested. @coffeelink
Undisciplined people that act extremely repulsive or disrespectful, which alot of people act like I know, I typically can control myself even-so, I detest such behavior - since I myself grew up in a respectful and disciplined environment.

Lamby @momoichi
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Things that anger you
Lamby @momoichi
and people like joel osteen
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