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@wolfneko I'm sorry, but getting over my painfully traumatized mind is fucking difficult.
@meisterman1985 Understood bro, just let us know if we can help :)
@wolfneko I'm sorry. But I'm fucking mad at my family. I haven't been touching my hobbies because I fear my father and stepmother are watching me even though I'm independent now. I don't have "the right friends" in my area to hangout with due to too many fucking social norms while I feel like I'm born in the wrong country. TTYL.
@meisterman1985 Your good bro, im sorry to hear that... I can definately relate other than I still continue to do what makes me happy in life, its your life, nobody elses... do what makes you happy my friend, and do it proudly despite what others may think cause in the end as long as your not hurting anyone else it dont matter what someone else thinks about your hobbies. As for not having the "right friends" I can also relate... I used to be a major pothead for 11 years... smoked all day everyday... and when I was young and didnt have so many responcibilities it was great... but now that i've grown up but my old friends have not and anytime I hang out with them im drug down into my old ways cause I will never completely lose that urge to smoke so i've basically had to cut ties other than the occasional 'wassup how you doin.' So now im a loner and dont associate with too many people. Just know you always got friends here.
Feb 18, 21 at 7:39am
My hometown... https://66.media.tumblr.com/135b91f49f26eacfc5fd92509fe144ff/tumblr_oc143un41o1vctqxpo1_500.gif
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/bb/57/34bb57ecae49584fa9d3e0efc38e6fe2.gif Leaving work like
Feb 20, 21 at 10:19am
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Feb 20, 21 at 7:24pm
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