What is your professional topic?
Baka @reinhardt76
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What is your professional topic?
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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What is your professional topic?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Some of ya'll are quite fascinating (: we should talk more
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
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What is your professional topic?
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
lamby is wrong.
but i am studying to be a pilot. and just because i enjoy military jets doesn't mean i am an expert or intelligent on them.
same with computers, just because i know some shit dont mean i know a lot.
the more you know, the more you realize you don't know anything.
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
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What is your professional topic?
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
long story short, lamby go fuck yourself with a french horn.
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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What is your professional topic?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
This account has been suspended.
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
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What is your professional topic?
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
inb4 someone comes in and rages about you calling it "hacking" video games.
Anna senpai~ @winterangel
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What is your professional topic?
Anna senpai~ @winterangel
Hmmm anime,manga of course xD psychology,fashion,hair care ,drawing,supernatural things,health care,fitness and many more lol
Christoph-san @vapor_wave
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What is your professional topic?
Christoph-san @vapor_wave
I can have a conversation about anything because i have an extremely curious mind, but my professional topics are sports of all kinds, histories of Europe and Asia mostly related to military, how to help the environment & animals & people, space & the cosmos, Japan in general, scientific advances, Game of Thrones, music as i have a unique taste, food because i love cooking and fashion as i collect cologne & shoes. if anybody would like to talk about any of these things then please send me a friend request and let's chat :)
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
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What is your professional topic?
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
speaking of game of thrones @vapor
did you notice that sansa's hairstyle is exactly the same to cersei's old hair style?
Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
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What is your professional topic?
Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
Physics, Psychology, Consciousness, The Psychedelic Experience, Austrian Economics, Martial Arts, Nature, Hiking, Camping, Hunting, Permaculture, Ethnobotany, Primitive Culture and Skills, IT, Conspiracies, History, Anime, Manga, Religion, Mountains'n'more
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