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hi guys I'm 13 XXXDDD and I'm on here to make friends because i don't have any ever since i switched schools and moved

so hi if your interested in being friends with me cool i don't care about age i just love to chat about anime and i love to rp a lot so if your interested in being my friend you can also add me on Skype just type in abigail ladouceur and i should show up an anime girl XD anyway i hope that we can all be friends :) i love gaming, roleplaying, i love cosplaying, i love meeting new people, I'm an artist, i create animations in my spare time, i am attracted to all genders, i love a good sense of humour as well :)
Welcome but due to your very young age, I must recommend that you be cautious when communicating here. Lot of pedo bears and ManBearPigs in waiting, remember if they offer you any candy in exchange for friendship.. https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/10/02/636109903742508006980400158_He's%20Lying.gif
formless, yes i am aware of all dangers yes i may be young but i am quite intelligent i know how man and women play there games online its quite simple really....also i am not on here for romantic relationships i am here to make friendships and build strong ones because in this moment in time i no longer have any therefor am i need of someone to talk to and someone to goof off with and just plain have fun but yes i do realize that it is dangerous for a girl of such a young age to do so but my aunt is a cop so if anything bad goes down il be fine and i wouldn't let things get dangerous either but i appreciate your concern and il take your advice either way so thank you
anyone wanna Skype? just search abigail ladouceur and I'm free to talk ;)
https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-02-2016/qyetVu.gif Ive had a very potent premonition that this is a trap. Proceed with caution...
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