Akyju @akyju
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Akyju @akyju
Theres a point, his ex is so stubborn, he asked me when we talked to get an mp3 player back from her so he can come to us and get it, ill said ok and when i asked her she said, that he can go get it by himself or he wont see it again so i don't think she will tell me the address but i'll try it. And what about the aspect of us being friends, do u think just to let him slide after i gave him the stuff back or try talking to him. I mean he said that he connects me to her in a strong way since we know eachother over her and it will remind him of her whenever we would be playing together so i think he blocked me cause he wants to cut a line for that.
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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BZ Substitute @brasszombie
That's why I said write a note it can't be seen as confrontational. Trying to meet in person or force things will come off as too strong in some cases. Even if you just tell him that you know he isn't ready to talk to you now that when he is you would still like to be friends. If you can't get through to the ex to get his info you can try to use a alternate means to contact him. Like if you have email but he's blocked you use a different email address. Just don't push too hard.
Akyju @akyju
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Akyju @akyju
Thank you Brass.
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
So, should I go to the doctor about my broken arm or just pay $10 for two bums to splint it in a back alley?
♛ Juuzy Fruit ♛ @suzuya_juuzou
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♛ Juuzy Fruit ♛ @suzuya_juuzou
I get what your saying yaasshat but I think some people don't want professional help they just want to vent really quick somewhere or just want some quick advice without commiting to a therapist or someone to just someone to say it'll be ok.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
No, really, I've been waiting on someone to tell me what to do.
Believe it or not, I get the threads purpose. It's just tgat some don't seek real help when they need it and pacify it thru other, not so good means.
♛ Juuzy Fruit ♛ @suzuya_juuzou
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♛ Juuzy Fruit ♛ @suzuya_juuzou
Oh I'd go to a doctor xD
Oh I see I see. Well I don't want this to be a replacement for professional help and I hope it doesn't distract people from that. Just a place to vent about whatever. Mental/ social/ physical/ business/ ect. Issues. Get it out because I know for me things build up.
FinalSmile @finalsmile
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FinalSmile @finalsmile
I'll give you my full attention if you really need it or if you want a pick me up you will get memes and gifs that will make you laugh.
♛ Juuzy Fruit ♛ @suzuya_juuzou
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♛ Juuzy Fruit ♛ @suzuya_juuzou
@finalsmile Thanks I'll remember that ^_^ It's sometimes hard for me to reach out to people though xP
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