Song Lyrics

Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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Song Lyrics
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
Not that I give a fuck what anyone thinks about me but people will think we're weird if quote the entire song lmao
butifyoutemptme ill type out the entire album xD

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
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Song Lyrics
Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
Second chances they dont ever matter people never change once a whore youre nothing more

Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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Song Lyrics
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
"Like roses, we blossom then die." - Written In Blood by BRING ME THE HORIZON

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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An Underling of the Void @jasonthedude
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Song Lyrics
An Underling of the Void @jasonthedude
Ich habe Pläne grosse Pläne
Ich baue dir ein Haus
Jeder Stein ist eine Träne
Und du ziehst nie wieder aus
Ja ich baue ein Häuschen dir
Hat keine Fenster keine Tür
Innen wird es dunkel sein
Dringt überhaupt kein Licht hinein
Ja ich schaffe dir ein Heim
Und du sollst Teil des Ganzen sein
Stein um Stein mauer ich dich ein
Stein um Stein
Ich werde immer bei dir sein
Ohne Kleider ohne Schuh
Siehst du mir bei der Arbeit zu
Mit den Füssen im Zement
Verschönerst du das Fundament
Draussen wird ein Garten sein
Und niemand hört dich schreien
Stein um Stein mauer ich dich ein
Stein um Stein
Ich werde immer bei dir sein
Welch ein Klopfen welch ein Hämmern
Draussen fängt es an zu dömmern
Alle Nägel stehen stramm
Wenn ich sie in dein Leibholz Ramm'
Stein um Stein mauer ich dich ein
Stein um Stein
Und keiner hört dich schreien

Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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Song Lyrics
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
"There's nothing in the air tonight...
(There's nothing in the air, tonight...)"

elhaym @elhaym
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Song Lyrics
elhaym @elhaym
胸にこみ上げてく 熱く 激しい この想い
僕らは行く 最後の戦場(ばしょ)へ
手を取り合い 誓い合って
明日の夜明け前に あの宇宙(そら)へと旅立つのさ
どうか 覚えていて欲しいよ
今こそ 立ち上がれ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ
稲妻の剣で 敵を蹴散らせ
安らぎを夢見る 鋼の勇者よ
もしも 力つきて 闘志の刃砕けても
僕らは二度と戻らない ともに銀河の海に散ろう
さぁ 迷わず 行くんだ!
雄々しく 舞い踊れ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ
金色(こんじき)の翼で 天に羽ばたけ
退くこと知らない 鋼の勇者よ
今こそ 立ち上がれ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ
稲妻の剣で 敵を蹴散らせ
安らぎを夢見る 鋼の勇者よ
With our hearts gradually filled up with hot and intense emotions,
we are going to the last battleground, hand in hand, with a common oath.
Before the dawn sets in tomorrow, we will begin our journey to the skies, to that universe.
Please, do not forget that we were once part of Earth.
That's our only wish.
Don't turn around!
Don't show your tears!
I get the power of love,
to take back our future, our tomorrow.
Wow wow wow
Sound the gong!
Warriors of fate, It's now time to stand up.
Use the sword of lightning to scatter your enemies.
Heroes of steel, they dream of peace and tranquility.
Believe in the future and love that you must protect.
To eternity! To eternity!
If we lose all our energy and strength, and our blade which signifies our fighting spirit breaks.
Even then, we will not turn back, and we shall perish together in the vastness of the galaxy.
We are afraid, and we throw away our pride, but I get the power of love.
So, even when we are lost, we shall go forward.
Wow wow wow
Sound the gong!
Warriors of fate, you shall dance bravely.
Use your golden wings, and fly to the skies.
Heroes of steel, they do not have the word "retreat" in their minds.
Continue to command with your raging burning souls.
To eternity! To eternity!
Gong Gong Sound the Gong!
Warriors of fate, It's now time to stand up.
Use the sword of lightning to scatter your enemies.
Heroes of steel, they dream of peace and tranquility.
Believe in the future and love that you must protect.
To eternity! To eternity!
- Gong by Jam Project

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Song Lyrics
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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Song Lyrics
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
"I'll never be the same, if we ever meet again"
I think we both know what would really happen.
Awkward silence in cafe. Then we go to a bar and that's when the lyrics start getting thrown out. xD
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