Animazement 2017

pinklightning @pinklightning
Animazement 2017
pinklightning @pinklightning
Hey guys! I'll be at AZ 2017, and I was wondering if anyone on this site was going as well?
If you're going, are you cosplaying?
What are you plans for this years Animazement?

Travisemo007 @travisemo007
commented on
Animazement 2017
Travisemo007 @travisemo007
Charizard. all 4 days. wouldnt miss it for anything, given i can get in touch with my NC friend for a place to stay. All in all, im looking forward to it! cx

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Animazement 2017
JackTechno @jacktechno
I'm going! I will be a new character..."Nightcore Dude." ^.^ Look for the blue and pink. Hope to see you two there.

geass007 @geass007
commented on
Animazement 2017
geass007 @geass007
I shall be going as well, I can't wait for it. I got my cosplay ready, to go and it shall be awesome!
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