How hot does a person have to be

Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
How hot does a person have to be
Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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How hot does a person have to be
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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How hot does a person have to be
Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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ouma_adam @ouma_adam
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How hot does a person have to be
ouma_adam @ouma_adam
I don't care how hot somebody is, if their views are extreme in any direction it's just not my thing.
I could not date a feminist, an SJW, alt-right nationalist.
I'm not religious and i would prefer not to date someone who's not that religious either, its just a personal preference. I would be open to it if their cool about their faith and keep it on the down low, like i have a lot of friends who are christian or jewish but they keep their faith to themselves and hardly practice except for maybe a major holiday.
Lauren Southern is cool and agree with her to a certain extent, but even that is a bit too political for me.
I'm pretty chill and open minded, i don't look down on feminists or SJW's, being a political science major myself i don't have a problem with people having their own opinion, but i sure as hell would not want to date them.
I've always thought that politics and religion should be kept away from friendships and romance, unless of course if you find someone who has the same beliefs as you then it's all good.
I'm in the middle of the political spectrum, maybe a little more conservative. I understand both liberal and conservative values but to me i think both have positive qualities and major flaws, therefore i think no one should really go too far in either direction.

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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How hot does a person have to be
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
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How hot does a person have to be
Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
Looks dont earn respect, but generally ones approach to health can influence my decision and that does require investigation of both pyysical and mental attributes.
Not always was I this way, I was a dumb kid once and probably would have pulled a peter griffin (cuttting off ones foot to please a cute girl) but now thats just not plausable, any lady that does not have at bare minimum a decent EQ is not for me. I have expectations both Moral and Ethical, a lot of you who have actually read my activity board here will see these standards and while I do not reach the standard of perfection according to my adherence to the belief that every living being deserves love and that bad mindset is the root cause of suffering and that suffering is the cause of violence, it is still my standard, in fact I would love to meet someone with a higher standard so I could try and reach higher myself.
What I am saying is that i seek character more than anything else

xynomi @xynomi
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How hot does a person have to be
xynomi @xynomi
Lauren just does her job. Which is directing attention towards herself. Which being anti feminist as a woman sure does.
I don't have any restriction religion or political wise. I don't care what you are... i care how you act on it.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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How hot does a person have to be
yaasshat @yaasshat
To just fuck? Any port in a storm.;) Really though, if their views reign supreme in there lives and they're completely counter to my own, it just ain't gonna work no matter how physically attractive they are. My dick might say yes, but my mind would nope out very quickly.

ThePolarTitan @thepolartitan
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How hot does a person have to be
ThePolarTitan @thepolartitan
I believe in finding someone who is alike and fits with you like a puzzle piece. If you try and force a relationship based on looks then there will be issues down the line. Finding someone who shares your ideals, matches on a physical level, and loves what you love; then I suppose that is a keeper and worth holding onto.

~tea oppa~ @alisterspade
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How hot does a person have to be
~tea oppa~ @alisterspade
i prefer personality over looks, theres no way i can be with someone i dont actually like
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