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So I pissed off my Girlfriend...

weeb dont paint all women with the same brush, we can take a joke :P his gf clearly could
After a few hours. A women's sense of humor is the most selective thing in the world. She'll be laughing with you one second and the next she is pissed and ignores you.
The first thing I would do is ask random people on the internet after 3 hours. They don´t know you nor your girlfriend and don´t know what she is like. Maybe just wait a few hours more explain her the situation and talk about it on the next day when she calmed down?
or humor in general is selective? just how much power do you think the uterus has over someone xD?
I think you need to retake middle school biology class if you think the only difference between a man and women is the uterus.
oookk you dont seem to understand a hyperbole?
No. You just seem to not understand how different the two sexes are. :P
I usually hate the hipster kids that complain about being born in the wrong generation, but weeb... you really ARE born in the wrong generation. I'm sorry, man.
I think it´s better just to to react to it and ignore it
Hey, there is nothing hipster about recognizing the traditions of your people and wanting them to be preserved.
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