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Are real relationships like they are in the movies?

Nah, it doesn't just magically happen. You certainly have to work at it and of course the other person has to reciprocate but in most cases feelings are hard to express towards one another so it doesn't just "happen" like everyone expects it to. Most girls I've liked/been with kept saying "if something happens it happens" but it simply never did and if it did it didn't end well.
Love is like hurricane. You don't when it will strike.
Is real horror like a horror movie? Is sci-fi like real science? Are cartoons like real life? Is anything produced that's meant to be for ENTERTAINMENT true to what it's representing? All that crap is called entertainment for a reason. It's dramatized and exaggerated to show whatever point the writers want to convey and those points are usually a bit unrealistic. It's a fantasy. Now, love can be sweet, love can be sappy, love can be romantic, love can be about running off into the sunset, but that's not what real love is all about. In the past, I've had relationships where I'd pick up my girlfriend from work, have the car covered in rose petals on the inside, blind fold her and take her to a river to have a moonlit picnic. Did I do that out of love? Not at that point, I was in what's called "The honeymoon stage.". That's when you have the "feels" and what you're doing is based on that. For me, love, true love is as simple as being content to just being in thier presence. Love is giving of yourself for the betterment of another, without expectation of anything in return. Love makes me the protector and let's me know they'll protect me too. It's a comfort that let's you know that you're not just content, rather, you're fulfilled. It's not always perfect, it's not always romantic, but it's true and continues to be forged over a lifetime. I know what I expect out of love and I know I'm in love. Don't expect magic, don't go just on how you feel, don't go for a bandaid or out of desperation, but love because you want to love and are loved. I think love has been built up as some sort of perfect fantasy and that's where many who have not had it set the bar. Have standards, stick with them, but understand that love is not a Disney movie.
Real life romantic relationships are not at all like those in romantic movies/tv/books/etc. Your perfect man or woman is not going to suddenly show up in front of you and be love at first sight. Love is real, I've seen it in real life and I've experienced it myself too. However, just because you might feel a certain way about someone, it doesn't mean you always will. Even when you do find a partner, your relationship is not going to be perfect. You're going to disagree and fight sometimes. You have to accept your partner's flaws as well as their good points. You have to take both the good and the bad. Just remember that love is an adventure, not a destination.
I'm with Yaass on this. He pretty much hit the nail on the head as always :P
It depends on the people. You have to get to know this person well and accept her/his flaws. No matter what, your relationships will not always be perfect. You going to argue with this person sometimes. There are some romantic relationships I know well in my life are nothing like in the shows and movies.
Relationship, Key word RELATE. I have lots of relationships Friends, Family, Dogs, My son, My Ex Wife. My neighbors cat. All relationships take maturity in order to be of quality, a sense of empathy, the closer the relationship the more work it takes. As long as all involved parties put in the needed effort there are very few reasons for a relationship to go sour, and relationships take time to build up, you cannot go on a date and immediately be like I love you etc etc That aint love, thats like, thats attachment. We talk about relationships most often in terms of love between partners, but what is love? Is it "I love you so I need to be near you." of course not that is selfish behaviour Love is simply "I want you to be happy" its totally non self oriented Its never feeling that another person "completes" you, as that is an infantile mindset, you can only complete yourself, which brings up the most important relationship you could ever have, the one with yourself all others follow that relationship, so relate to yourself constructively and with loving kindness (not vanity or pride) and other relationships you form will follow
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