Triad Animecon Greensboro NC

Saeniso @saeniso
Triad Animecon Greensboro NC
Saeniso @saeniso
Me and the group are meeting up on March 2nd at the 4seasons mall to go to the con which is at the Koury convention center for final preparations. The animecon duration is March 3rd 4th 5th(friday,saturday,sunday) time duration for each day is in order by day 3pm-1am,10am-1am,10am-4pm. For those who would like to meet up soon hurry. Schedule for events
Also I'll probably be cosplaying as tuxedo mask waiting with a red rose looking for my waifu Yang Xiao Long. If want to call me for contact purposes and more info private msg me thank you and see you at the con

Aiki @aikiki
commented on
Triad Animecon Greensboro NC
Aiki @aikiki
Hey! Me and some friends will be out there too!

Saeniso @saeniso
commented on
Triad Animecon Greensboro NC
Saeniso @saeniso
I'm really looking forward to the formal ball I hope to see some of you there maybe we can even meet up

Saeniso @saeniso
commented on
Triad Animecon Greensboro NC
Saeniso @saeniso
Thank You for all those who came to triadanimecon for those I met it was nice meeting you all. See you at next one

Saeniso @saeniso
commented on
Triad Animecon Greensboro NC
Saeniso @saeniso

Pics from this year just got them developed sorry the inconvenience and lateness
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