League Of Legends?

Ssendom @ssendom
commented on
League Of Legends?
Ssendom @ssendom
Anyone need a Kassadin Main to give a carry? Plat 3 seasons straight. Joking around in ranked this season and already back up to G2 from S1.
Ign: Scayth
Send me a PM here if you do add me with your ign so I know to accept.

heroesneverdie @heroesneverdie
commented on
League Of Legends?
heroesneverdie @heroesneverdie
looking for some peeps to play some aram with, rank dont matter drop them igns.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
League Of Legends?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
what is your summoner? all i ever do is play aram cuz peeps in summoners tilt me too much XD

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
League Of Legends?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
@ssendom yo if you can help carry me out of bronze that would be amazing...last night i did a naut match against a darius and was 3/0 until my jungler decided it was ok to 2v1 tanks all game long while playing eve and we lost
edit: i also main darius btw, and up and coming fiora main

dandaman @dantheman06
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League Of Legends?
dandaman @dantheman06
How i see supports as they carry

dragonrage @dragonrage
commented on
League Of Legends?
dragonrage @dragonrage
I main tanks... I go everywhere but adc.... tag is artistdragonrage

Error...Errror @joshua
commented on
League Of Legends?
Error...Errror @joshua
finely got my first lvl 7 champion Brand. i was so happy i bought 20$ worth of RP

heroesneverdie @heroesneverdie
commented on
League Of Legends?
heroesneverdie @heroesneverdie
oh just add neovulcan

Ssendom @ssendom
commented on
League Of Legends?
Ssendom @ssendom
Everyone who see's this. It is 2:52 PM CST. I will be starting up a league group yo play and have fun at around 8:00 PM CST. If you are interested PM me and I will give a discord invite for playing!

a_cat_on_titan @a_cat_on_titan
commented on
League Of Legends?
a_cat_on_titan @a_cat_on_titan
Hey have any of you heard of SInkyBrick? You should friend him on League! He's in Masters right now!! He's also really cute ;)
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