I always tell people there's always someone for everyone. I sincerely believe that to be true, with so many personalities in this world. If one person rejects you, it's just a confirmation that it won't work with that person, and that's ok! You look good and seem like a good person. I guess what helps is gaining confidence and being a person who is fun to be around. :)
I think anyone would love to be with someone who takes time learning the arts. It's nice that it looks like you take care of yourself too, such as taking the time to dye your hair, getting a tattoo, and wearing presentable clothing. I can see you have pretty long eyelashes for a man as well, or at least the bottom ones. The only thing that might turn women away is your insecurities. I don't think you should change yourself and present a false image to the world however you should work on learning to like yourself more. You should also worry less about what others think about you. There are far more important things to think about in life so don't stress yourself out more on trivial matters. Also to answer your question, yes I would date you (I am taken but I assume this is a hypothetical question) I'm sure many other people would want to as well but you need to be more comfortable with yourself if you want them to notice you.
Jesse, just be you. Having a relationship isn't the biggest thing in the world. Focus on yourself first. Honestly, it'll happen when it happens in my opinion. Sometimes being yourself is better than trying to go out and to look for someone. In my opinion there's a difference between just going out making friends and something happening out of it and proactively going out and trying to find the one. It just seems like that you maybe trying to hard for a relationship. Just go out and do what you like, make friends and eventually it'll happen. Enjoy life and don't rush in to things to fast. You're still super young to be worrying about things like that.
I mean, where I grew up it's the same thing. People get out of high school, get married, and have kids. It doesn't mean you have to. Life is about so much more than that, especially at your age. There's so much more to things than just having a girlfriend. You're still way to young to be worrying about that. Go out and do things that you want to do, go visit another country, or just do something you enjoy to do and pursue it to the fullest. I mean, I my self didn't want to just get married and have kids at my age. I'm twenty-three and I joined the military, now I get to travel too all sorts of places. I'm going to school now as well and I still have a bunch of things I want to do. I've only had one serious relationship in my lifetime which is fine cause things like this happen. I'm kind of a loner myself by nature, though I worked on it and made myself more social and able to talk to other better. I had issues and insecurities like anyone else does and I still do, everyone does. The big thing is always striving to do better for yourself. I made some cool friends in the time I joined the military and worked on a lot of issues that I struggled with. The big thing I can tell you is that if you want to pursue a girlfriend that's fine, but don't neglect yourself in the long run because it's your own life you'll be missing out on.
I would definitely date someone like you. I don't see anything wrong with you appearance wise. I saw you commented that you have borderline. Are you talking about borderline personality disorder? I also have that pretty badly. I can be happy and feel secure with my relationships at one point, but often I will doubt everything and feel like I'm just a burden and an annoyance, and that no one cares about me. I think there are plenty of people out there for you. You should find a girl that struggles with the same things as you, and I'm sure you'll form a deep, meaningful bond. You seem like a great person, so believe in yourself c:
You look good and seem like a good person. I guess what helps is gaining confidence and being a person who is fun to be around. :)