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otaku SO vs Non-otaku SO?

dating an otaku or getting along with one, is usually easier for me. cuz similar points of interest we can both relate too. aint nothing worse than not having similar interests and having to talk about your life'.. which you initially go out and hangout to escape and avoid. Unless of course your life is just amazing lol.
Yeah I personally found girls who aren't interested in anime, games and what-not pretty boring. I'm a giant dweeb at heart and dating someone who doesn't have at least a bit of interest in any of them makes for a VERY boring relationship. It's not all bad with girls like that, if they really like you then chances are they'll take an interest in the things you enjoy and it's very possible you can get them into anime and gaming like I've done for exes in the past. I've always found these kinds of girls really fun and great, showing something new to them that they can come to love leaves a really warm feeling in ya.
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