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Truth or Dare

Oct 03, 17 at 10:54pm
Thank you but it was nothing special. It's just the way the world should be, and if more people did it then maybe the world wouldn't be as messed up as it is right now. Anyone wanna hit me with another Truth?
Yeah sure, If you could give advice to the you of 5 years ago, what advice would you give him?
Oct 03, 17 at 11:01pm
Live life more to the fullest, don't work so much, and get out more/be more social.
Oct 03, 17 at 11:02pm
Seems like the forums are kinda dead right now
Yeah. It happens
Oct 03, 17 at 11:08pm
I'm use to self help/support group websites. They never get dead at times
Well yeah, but for this site to stay alive ya need people in the forums staying engaging
Oct 03, 17 at 11:12pm
True, originally I came here looking for dating but I feel this site doesn't support that much anymore. It's more of people hanging out online and talking
Well dating is still a factor, it's just that there is a big ratio problem and any girl that shows up here gets 1000 guys sliding her DMs day one and 100 more posting on her wall so most of the ladies get scared off before they can become a part of the community. Then you got people staying in their tight knit groups and whatnot. It can be a bit hard on newcomers. And you're right, the forums end up dead a lot because of it. With that said I have met some really nice ladies here and many of them quite open to dating so chin up dude(:
Oct 03, 17 at 11:28pm
Thank you, I'm new to this site and new to the dating thing so it's a big learning experience for me. Hopefully I'll find the right person for me someday. And I agree I've witnessed a number of females getting hammered with postings and some have been really rude or just wrong. Like asking someone you don't know anything about to be your girlfriend or wife. It's sad
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