I'm looking for PS4 friends

AxelYuki @axelyuki
I'm looking for PS4 friends
AxelYuki @axelyuki
Looking for some PS4 friends and here too if you want to ehehe
I'm into mostly anime based games but other things like Overwatch/Warframe/Minecraft etc etc
Would be cool if anyone had Sword Art Online Hollow Realization to play with but anythings fine!
PSN: AxelCaliber
Also Steam is good too mine is AxelTakashi
Looking forward to making new friends <3

xxx @__removed_whitelumpia
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
xxx @__removed_whitelumpia
DoubleXX_Panda is mine!

Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love

Kai Uchiha @saintkai23
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
Kai Uchiha @saintkai23
Mine is FreedomFight44

insane_warrior0 @insane_warrior0
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
insane_warrior0 @insane_warrior0
I'll just leave this here:

shawnji @shawnji
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
shawnji @shawnji
I'll add you. Also, anybody else here can feel free to add me too. My PSN ID is just Shawnji; same as here.

kh04 @kh04
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
kh04 @kh04
TalkingKetchup <--feel free to add

DreamMasterMina @jyugi
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
DreamMasterMina @jyugi
PSN ID PrimeTimeSoul i play overwatch alot lol ^^

ZeKiro @zekiro
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
ZeKiro @zekiro
ID: ZeKiraya
I'd love to SAO: HR with you!

cuppycake @cuppycake
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
cuppycake @cuppycake
PS4: LightTenchi
I usually play OverWatch and Destiny.
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