Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Watch the video please and then comment.
What do you think should happen to people who are deemed racist? Should it be treated like a disease or a badge of (dis)honor?

Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
If I may respond as calmly as possible without seeming upset,
Before we even start, why are you assuming I'm talking about white people being racist? I ask what should happen to PEOPLE who are deemed racist. Not Black, white or any other specific race. I also asked you to watch the video. You couldn't watch a 45 minute video but you can type a story in response to it? You're already proving to be as ignorant as the next uneducated person.
1) Racism in the US is overblown. It is not racist to not be attracted to black people, for example. It is not racist to not hire a black person because their personal conduct during the interview suggests they're part of the "Urban Black Culture". It isn't racist to submit people into a college based on their merit and have the majority be white and asian. That is not racist.
That's the very definition of racism or at least being prejudice.
2) It is however racist to suggest we need segregation,(Safe spaces are segregation) that white people are inherently racist,(we're not) to suggest one races' lives matter more than other peoples(Black Lives Matter), or to suggest because slavery happened that the race that was enslaved is entitled to benefits.
When did "BLM" become "BLOM"? You are only spewing stuff out and not actually listening to the actual movement. And since you took it there, what about All Lives Matter & Blue Lives Matters? How is that any more mature than Black Lives Matter? The point of Black Lives Matter is to point out the unfair system that was purposely set up against people of color, especially those of African Decent. It's the reason the Police force was even created in the US. Do your research. Overseers/"Crackers" were out of a job after the abolishment of slavery and needed a job. So they decided to do the only thing they could. They decided to watch over the new "freed" slaves to make sure they didn't do anything that the overseers didn't like. For example, build schools, hospitals, any crime anywhere, big or small (like use a toilet or water fountain). That's what started the police force. Stop and Frisk is a direct result of that culture.
3) Here's a few facts. Africans enslaved other Africans in Africa. They sold them to the Arabs far before any white people arrived in Africa wanting slaves. Furthermore, the ruling tribes rounded up the lesser tribes and sold them off to white people. There were not widespread slave expeditions by white people in the interior of Africa. Slavery fucking sucked but it wasn't created by white people. I'm glad its gone. Slavery was morally reprehensible.
oh this is going to be fun.
Slaves were never sold to Europeans. NEVER. They were also never sold to the Arabs. I know this because I actually went to Kenya and saw first hand the aftermath of what happened. The Arabs saw/heard what the Europeans were doing on the West Coast/Ivory Coast of Africa and tried it in the East. That shit didn't last very long because they enslaved them in their own country. That was a dumb move, but whatever. If you don't believe me, look up what IFRIT is and who they refer to in real life as Ifrit's.
Most countries had their own slavery system. Africans & Arabs & Asians had slaves but they were more like paying off a debt. Like if you went out somewhere and stole something and got caught, you would work it off if you couldn't buy it. A lot of people took advantage of it but it was only for a set period of time, otherwise you'd go to jail. The Europeans are the only ones that I know of to go to other countries and kidnap other people for slavery.
So those few "facts" that you have are actually opinions you heard or read about on some bs site. I would love to know the source of your material. I actually went to African to learn about this. I also went to Japan & Spain. Where did you learn? Wikipedia?
4) Colonialism had some benefits, namely it repressed intertribal violence. Now that Europe has left Africa, countries like Zimbabwe have gone from breadbaskets to shitholes as their dictators steal land from white people and print money insanely fast (Zimbabwe had currency up to 100 Trillion!)
Really? Cause it looks like to me that Colonialism is the excuse that Europeans use to mass murder people. It's because of colonialism that there ARE so many problems in the world. Europe left Africa? Are you DENSE? There are still in Africa. Mainly South Africa, telling African students that they can't have an Afro or Dreadlocks because it's not professional. How the fuck are you gonna tell someone that they HAVE to buy chemicals for their hair because it looks nicer in your own opinion? Europeans & Americans are still in Africa, mining for gold & diamons & kidnapping animals cause it's cool. ONLY outsiders of Africa do that bullshit. That dentist from Texas that shot & killed a Rhino and posted it regretted his actions but he's just the one that got caught. A lot of those fuckers do that.
As for the Keith Scott thing, it's been proven that they planted the gun. It's on camera. But whatever, you want that one? fine. What about Tamir Rice? Or better yet, How about the shooting of Charles Kingsley? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq-LPQin7zk <--- explain this to me.
No one is talking about disarming the police, dunno why you even brought that up. A body cam that doesn't cut off would be nice. Oh, and the whole, being held accountable for your actions is another great thing too.
You say protests don't solve racial issues in America? Ok. Then how do we level the playing field because as of right now, it's not. Colin Kaepernic took a knee in the corner and white people lost their mind. All he did was take a knee. You fuckers flipped. Burning Jerseys that you already paid for (dumbasses). Sending him death threats and shit. I haven't stood for the national anthem ever since middle school nor did I recite the "pledge of allegiance" since the 7th grade. So that was nothing new to me. By the same token, I'm not gonna burn the flag cause I don't wanna even buy one to burn. That doesn't make sense to me. You got people on Youtube who buy iPhones and submerge them into acid to see what it does. Motherfucker, it'll melt. But you fucks like that shit. It's the same with the flag. 'Hey, I'm gonna burn this American flag cause reasons!' I'm like cool. have fun and leave me out of it.
You clearly have no clue what you are talking about and should actually watch the video you ignored to spew this powerful bullshit in my thread. Pick up a book. Stop trying to convince me Im wrong when I only asked a question. You are the pure definition of what's wrong with a lot of people in this country. You listen to respond. You should be listening to learn. If someone tells you that they're scared of police, you shouldn't respond with "Just be good and they wont mess with you" cause clearly, that's not true. Instead, ask why and try to learn from their perspective. I know that would require you to pull your head out of your ass long enough to Enjoy fresh air but I promise, it'll be worth it.

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
you like your own status? You're pathetic

Popo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @mrpopo
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Popo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @mrpopo
Truth^ Also watch the movie 13th on Netflix if you also want to learn more.

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
TL;DW will be his/her/it's response. You know that, right?

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
you wanna know how I learned about Ifrit being slang for Africans? I was doing research on Final Fantasy Summons cause I was going to make a video about the different types and where they came from. The first one I looked up was Ifrit. Holy Hell was I surprised.

heropun @heropun
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heropun @heropun
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Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
I'ma guess your response was a rebuttal to my rebuttal. Which is just continuing to derail my initial question. So since you're so eager to troll, go ahead, but I'm not wasting any more time with your diarrhea of the keyboard.
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