Yo Yo!

aerityaelaria @aerityaelaria
Yo Yo!
aerityaelaria @aerityaelaria
The name is Aeri Tyaelaria, otherwise known as Laurence (My OC)
I am English and I have joined the site with the hope of finding friends within England and possibly a partner, to not go into it too much I recently lost my fiancé to a terminal illness and I was forced to promise her I wouldn't spend longer than 6months without attempting to date, I never break promises. (This sounds weird to post I agree, but I don't want the usual stigma to follow me of trying to date after being 'widowed').
Past that I am a an RPer, Gamer, Cat lover and the usual extrovert in public fem guy and introvert in small groups. I do have blue hair and some weird quirks, People do call me smart/funny and my depression makes me see otherwise. (OFC).
Lovely to be here, hope to have fun and make friends!

tekkadan1990 @tekkadan1990
commented on
Yo Yo!
tekkadan1990 @tekkadan1990
Welcome to the site.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
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