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Good Day

Good day otakus You may refer to me as mango or if you would like "Senpai" you may not however know my real name unless you earn it. Lets get one thing straight, i am here to meet new otakus who interest me, key word being "Interest" if you are boring or perhaps shy then we will have a hard time. Secondly i am "Available" but not "Single" this is because i am yet to find my otaku waifu but i reguarly have short meaningless relationships with non-otaku scum. I am (In my own egotistical opinion) a good looking guy and have no trouble with getting girls. I do however have trouble with finding girls who have similar interests and beauty is only skin deep, i could never love a non otaku i am sad to say. With these points out of the way i have posted some of the recent anime i watched on my anime list , i do not attend conventions as i have yet to find otaku friends (Hence why i am here) Lastly i am sure you may read this and see me as a self rightous person. I am egotistical and vain on my outer layers but i promise to you i care about those who are close to me and i would never intentionally hurt somone. Feel free to contact me. Mango out.
ivr94 @ivr94 commented on Good Day
Nov 28, 16 at 8:53pm
This account has been suspended.
Nov 29, 16 at 4:56am
Thank you my dude.
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