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Hi nice to meet you

Hello doods and doodettes (Disgaea humor) ah awkward already haha jk. Anyways my first time on any kind of forum so bare with me ok? Hoping to meet lots of people with common ground not many anime fans around here so I'd love to interact with you all :) So for the future It's nice to meet you!!
oh forgot to mention I frequent Anime Boston so if you go to that awesome haha
HI dood!!! hows it going dood. (okay i'm going to stop now lol) anyway, welcome to the site! also, nothing awkward about being a prinny hahaha (sorry couldn't resist XD) okay, disgaea humor aside, i hope you find tons of people who like anime ( well that wont be too hard) and make tons of new friends :D
doood, you came to the right place dood! enjoy it dood!
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