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Dating is tough lol.

Oct 25, 16 at 1:15pm
Guru is siru... Just our local goat lover.;P
Oh. In that case, I don't recall anything, but I'd call him out on the spot if I did.
Anyway, back to life. I'll be eagerly awaiting the kids pathetic attempt at a retort.
All human beings are stupid...of course including me. And I think that makes people disqualified to yell at each other's stupidity. Forgive them, if you admit you're not perfect either. Also, don't tell people to leave. Words can hurt more than you think and you can't even take it back.
Oct 25, 16 at 1:37pm
Stupid is as stupid does and fighting stupid with more stupid, that's just stupid. Just a thought, not specifically directed.
wow... things got ugly while I was away. Can't we all just get along? :(
jesus, the Mo savages have shown themselves once again. you literally cannot make a serious thread on this site without someone having to give their 2 cents where its not needed.
Don't give up on relationships but don't feel like you actively have to search. As I have said numerous times on this forum there isn't anything wrong with being single. If you feel you need to improve various aspects of your life than do that. If someone comes along in the mean time that great, if not then don't worry. The right person should come along when the time is right :)
Thank you Lenny, for your input. I appreciate all points of view. I do however have a few comments and questions relating to what you said. First, while i don't think there is anything wrong with being single per se, I do think there's something wrong with being single forever. I cant think of a single person including myself who has ever been completely satisfied having no romantic interest for 5, 10, 20 years of their life. I think there comes a point where people develop a kind of loneliness that friends and family simply cannot fill. Second, for clarification, I never said I was thinking of giving up on relationships completely. just for right now till I get a few more things in order, it just seems too difficult with what I currently have to offer. and now for the questions. I often hear this advice of "dont worry, someone who's right for you will come along eventually. don't try for it, it'll happen naturally." to be honest I have no clue if this is good or bad advice, but doesn't it sound just a bit too apathetic? It seems to imply that no person in the history of ever has died alone without ever finding someone. That finding someone is assured if you just wait long enough. This is obviously not the case right? And isn't the fear of dying alone a real possibility that one can be rationally aware of and actively try to avoid? I mean thousands of years of human evolution has seen the development of complex traditional mating rituals like courtship, the art of seduction, etc. the same sort of thing that today's concept of "dating" revolves around. wouldn't those things be completely useless if all it took was a "wait and see" approach? without worrying or actively engaging in a search for a partner? if that were the case I have to wonder why is it that this has not become the preferred method of finding a mate within the human species. I mean logically speaking it doesn't seem like it would be very effective.
@Akane/Kawaii: I call a spade a spade. I don't care what people think abouth it or me afterwards, the kid makes it clear in every post I've found of his that people are scum, he's above them, and hates any and all interactions wit them. IF this is the case and IF he's being sincere, there's the door. Get out. Nobody is forcing him to stay and "put up with us". @Asshat: Sometimes you have to treat others they way they treat people to get them to understand. @Kirk: Kind of didn't intentionally mean to derail the thread this much, but somebody has to call the kid out on his bullshit.
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