Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^

Aoba Yaoi Girl @aobayaoigirl
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
Aoba Yaoi Girl @aobayaoigirl
Hehe I love guy's with long hair and I love yaoi stuff. Hello everyone I am new here and I just moved into Tokyo japan to, I hope to get along with you all and the guy's to hehe.^^ Konichiwa everyone. http://data.whicdn.com/images/68223456/large.jpg

徐々に @jojoni
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
徐々に @jojoni
Welcome to MO & hope you the best! You're lucky, they have this event for November about hair...

Aoba Yaoi Girl @aobayaoigirl
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
Aoba Yaoi Girl @aobayaoigirl
Thank yea hehe!^^ Ohhh awesome i'll check it out and sound's cool to haha. I don't have hair on my face nor underpit's lol but i'll stil go.

Verflixt @verflixt
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
Verflixt @verflixt
Welcome to MO, hope you enjoy your stay here

Aoba Yaoi Girl @aobayaoigirl
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
Aoba Yaoi Girl @aobayaoigirl
Hiya Verflixt..... awesome name.^^ I am already enjoying my stay haha, I hope we can be friend's hehe.

kaizu™ @finecanine
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
kaizu™ @finecanine
Okay, I'll admit that I am not huge into yaoi and yuri but I like it over hentai and can't say I haven't read my fair share of fanfics xD Also, I HAD to comment, dramatical murder (didn't care much for the games) but the anime was pretty epic and not enough people even know it exists. But that stuff messes with lots of people so I get why. Anyway, welcome to MO! Hope you have a great time and make lots of new friends! x3

kaizu™ @finecanine
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
kaizu™ @finecanine
Also your name is oddly specific...that said, sorry Noiz is still better (and not just because I can pull off that cosplay better xP)

jinxuuu @jinxuuu
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
jinxuuu @jinxuuu
Welcome to MO!! Hope you enjoy it hereee~ <3

Hentai no chin chin @naokosanjitsu
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
Hentai no chin chin @naokosanjitsu
This account has been suspended.

Ethan Kane @daveth
commented on
Yo everyone and handsome guy's hehe! ^W^
Ethan Kane @daveth
Lol so direct and upfront. I like it! It's a beautiful quality. I'm new here as well, but I'll offer a welcome all the same!
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